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Biliotti, Bonaiuto (ser) di Danza (da Vicchio) a

Alternate Forenames

  • Buonaiuto
Birth Family Biliotti
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 2164

Life Dates

December 1st, 1309 to August 6th, 1341

Employments (1 total)

December 1st, 1309 to August 6th, 1341

Memorials (2 total)

S. Croce cemetery 110.1 messer Lorenzo da San Giovanni
S. Croce cemetery 110.2 ser Bonaiuto Biliotti

Related Groups (1 total)

Arte dei Giudici e Notai
December 1st, 1309 to August 6th, 1341

Locations (1 total)

S. Pier Maggiore, Chiavi, Porta S. Piero, Florence
December 1st, 1309 to August 6th, 1341


  • [a] Matursi gives patronym "Danza" while Rosselli sepoltuario and Priorista give "Canzo."
  • [b] Only Stefano Rosselli and the Priorista Mariani indicate that the tomb of messer Lorenzo da San Giovanni was replaced by that of ser Bonaiuto Biliotti.