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Berti, Berto di Lionardo di Berto di Tinuccio a

Birth Family Berti
Gender male
Age at Death 63
Database ID 2437

Life Dates

circa 1367 b
September 26th, 1430 c
October 14th, 1430

Employments (2 total)

pinzochero (lay brother)
September 26th, 1430 (year is approximate) to October 14th, 1430

Posts (4 total)

Office Government Date
Tre Maggiori
November 1st, 1416 to December 31st, 1416 d
Tre Maggiori
September 15th, 1426 to December 14th, 1426 e
Tre Maggiori
March 1st, 1429 to April 30th, 1429
Tre Maggiori
June 15th, 1430 to September 14th, 1430

Memorials (1 total)

S. Croce 071 Berto di Lionardo Berti 1430

Related Groups (1 total)

Arte dei Medici e Speziali
circa 1380s (date is approximate) to 1430

Locations (1 total)

S. Simone, Bue, S. Croce, Florence
circa 1384 (date is approximate) to October 14th, 1430


  • [a] or Leonardo
  • [b] In 1427 Berto gave his age to catasto officials as 60, rendering a birth year around 1367. However, two years later his birth registration year was recorded as 1384 as Berto gave the most popular age to officials, 45.
  • [c] Berto requested burial in his family's ancestral tomb in the north cemetery and that he be buried in the Franciscan habit.
  • [d] Berto di Leonardo di Berto aromatarius was electted prior for S. Croce Bue on October 29th, 1416
  • [e] Berto di Leonardo Berti spetiarius was elected to the Twelve on September 12th, 1426
  • [f] Berto di Leonardo Berti speziale claims his residence in this parish in via della Vinegia Vecchia.