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Lapi, Michele di Salvestro di Lapo di Giunta di Mag. Cambio

Birth Family Lapi
Gender male
Age at Death 70
Database ID 3043

Life Dates

circa 1371 a
before August 17th, 1441

Employments (1 total)

brigliaio (bridle-maker, brigliarius)

Posts (11 total)

Office Government Date
Minor Guild
January 1st, 1404 to April 30th, 1404
Minor Guild
September 2nd, 1406 to December 31st, 1406
Tre Maggiori
September 7th, 1413 to January 6th, 1414
Minor Guild
January 1st, 1414 to April 30th, 1414
Minor Guild
January 1st, 1416 to April 30th, 1416
Minor Guild
September 1st, 1418 to December 31st, 1418
Tre Maggiori
January 1st, 1419 to February 28th, 1419
Tre Maggiori
June 15th, 1423 to September 14th, 1423
Tre Maggiori
September 7th, 1425 to January 6th, 1426
Minor Guild
May 1st, 1437 to August 31st, 1437
Minor Guild
January 1st, 1440 to April 30th, 1440

Memorials (1 total)

S. Maria Novella 193 tomb of the descendants of Magister Cambio

Related Groups (1 total)

Arte dei Correggiai

Locations (1 total)

S. Maria Nipotecosa (Vaio), Vaio, S. Giovanni, Florence

Sources (4 total)

ASF, Catasto, 1427 vol. 81, fol. 464v-465v
ASF, Manoscritti, 252, Priorista Mariani V fol. 1239
ASF, Manoscritti, 812, Sep. S. M. Novella, Sermartelli pp. 152 o.s.
D. Herlihy et al., Online Tratte rec. 414457, 81398, 81399, 81410, 81400, 81411, 121371, 81412, 81401, 81402, 81403, 81406, 81407, 81404, 81405, 81409


  • [a] Michele gave his age as 56 in his 1427 catasto declaration. He gave the same age again to Tratte officials in 1429, which would render a birth year of 1373, but his catasto is likely the better source.
  • [b] Michele claimed his residence in this parish in his 1427 catasto declaration.