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Dati, Bonturo di Dato (da Lucca) a


Referenced in Dante's eighth circle of Hell, Bonturo Dati was head of the popular party of Lucca, from where he was exiled in 1314, eventually settling in Florence, where he died in 1325. Though commentators and historians give no patronym for Bonturo, his tomb's inscription indicates that he was son of Dato da Lucca, whose name was then used as the family's surname.

See Alma Poloni, “Figure di capipolo nella città toscane fra Due e Trecento: Guelfo da Lombrici, Giano della Bella, Bonturo Dati e Coscetto da Colle.” In Le signorie cittadine in Toscana: esperienze di potere e forme di governo personale (secoli XIII-XV), edited by Andrea Zorzi, 43-48. Rome: Viella, 2013. http://digital.casalini.it/10.1400/218825.

Alternate Forenames

  • Bonaventura
  • Bontura
  • Bonturi
Birth Family Dati
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 3218

Life Dates

1285 to 1325
January 10th, 1324

Memorials (2 total)

S. Maria Novella 505 Bonturo Dati da Lucca
circa 1325 (date is approximate) to present
S. Maria Novella 505 Bonturo Dati da Lucca

Extended Family (1 total)

Locations (2 total)

Lucca, Italy birth
S. Maria Soprarno, Scala, Oltrarno, Florence death


  • [a] wikidata Q3642240
  • [b] According to Nigido, Bonturo settled in the house of Sandro di Barduccio dei Minutoli in Florence, and redacted his will and died in this parish.
  • [c] DATI, Bonturo by Maria Alice Nigido www.treccani.it/biografico