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Abadinghi, Betta di Cione di Vanni (uxor Banco di Frosino da Verrazzano)

Alternate Forenames

  • Elisabetta
  • Lisabetta
Birth Family Abadinghi
Gender female
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 4925

Life Dates

1372 to July 19th, 1437
July 20th, 1437

Memorials (4 total)

Carmine 026 Cappella della Passione de Nerli
January 1568 to January 28th, 1771 a
Carmine 075.1 Cione Abadinghi
1373 to July 20th, 1437
Carmine 313 Altare di San Michele Arcangelo nel tramezzo
July 10th, 1435 b
Carmine 313 Altare di San Michele Arcangelo nel tramezzo
July 21st, 1437 to January 1568 c

Related Groups (1 total)

da Verrazzano


  • [a] daily masses save Sundays plus feast of St. Michael on 8 May and subsequent day
  • [b] daily masses except Sundays, feast of St. Michael on 8 May, and also on 9 May with sung mass for herself and her family at father's altar in tramezzo; obligations moved to Cappella della Passione in 1568
  • [c] daily masses save Sundays plus feast of St. Michael on 8 May and subsequent day