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Bellacci, Carlo di Tinoro di Marco di Tinoro

Birth Family Bellacci
Gender male
Age at Death 59
Database ID 5190

Life Dates

August 27th, 1476
November 27th, 1535

Posts (7 total)

Office Government Date
Tre Maggiori
March 1st, 1509 to April 30th, 1509
Tre Maggiori
September 15th, 1514 to December 14th, 1514
Tre Maggiori
February 16th, 1524 to May 6th, 1524
Tre Maggiori
September 7th, 1526 to January 6th, 1527
Tre Maggiori
March 1st, 1529 to April 30th, 1529
Tre Maggiori
May 7th, 1530 to September 6th, 1530
Tre Maggiori
November 1st, 1531 to December 31st, 1531

Locations (1 total)

Carro, S. Croce, Florence