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Borgianni, Jacopo di Borgianni di Mino di Borgianni di Mino

Alternate Forenames

  • Iacopo
  • Jacobus
Birth Family Borgianni
Gender male
Age at Death 68
Database ID 6528

Life Dates

July 1442
after June 30th, 1505

Posts (8 total)

Office Government Date
Minor Guild
January 1st, 1482 to April 30th, 1482 a
Minor Guild
January 1st, 1489 to April 30th, 1489 b
Tre Maggiori
March 15th, 1495 to June 14th, 1495 c
Tre Maggiori
January 1st, 1496 to February 28th, 1496 d
Minor Guild
May 1st, 1497 to August 31st, 1497 e
Tre Maggiori
January 7th, 1504 to May 6th, 1504 f

Memorials (4 total)

S. Chiara 01a Cappella et Altare Maggiore de Borgianni
1493 to 1497
S. Chiara 01b lastrone di Jacopo Borgianni
1497 to 1808
S. Chiara 03 Altare della Natività
circa 1495 (date is approximate)
S. Chiara 04 Altare del Compianto sul Cristo morto

Related Groups (1 total)

Arte dei Oliandoli e Pizzicagnoli

Locations (1 total)

S. Jacopo tra le Fosse, Leon Nero, S. Croce, Florence
circa 1480 (date is approximate) to circa 1505 (date is approximate)

Sources (4 total)

Dizionario biografico degli Italiani h vol. 12 (1971): Borgianni, Iacopo
ASF, Manoscritti, 624, Rosselli, Sepoltuario Fiorentino, 1657 (copy) pp. 164, no. 1
ASF, Manoscritti, 253, Priorista Mariani VI fol. 1447
D. Herlihy et al., Online Tratte rec. 63442, 63444, 310408, 63441, 62410, 119511, 63443, 63445, 312806, 300440


  • [a] Jacopo was elected guild counsl on December 28th, 1481 from a 1480 purse, he was not using Borgianni as a surname but as a second avonym.
  • [b] Jacopo was elected guild consul on December 16th, 1488 using a patronym and avonym, but not surname.
  • [c] Jacopo was elected to the Twelve from the quarter of Santa Croce on March 12th, 1495. The online Tratte suggest this purse's name-slip included his surname.
  • [d] Jacopo was elected prior from Santa Croce on December 27th, 1495, using Borgianni not as a surname but as a second avonym.
  • [e] Jacopo was elected as guild consul on April 17th, 1497. The online Tratte interpret his name-slip to have included his surname.
  • [f] Jacopo, without a surname, was elected to the Sixteen for the Leon Nero gonfalone on December 31st, 1503.
  • [g] According to Franco Cardini, he declared his 1480 catasto from this gonfalone, and he was elected prior from there twice between 1495 and 1505. The Priorista Mariani puts the family in the parish of San Jacopo tra Fosse. However, Jacopo was buried in the Oltrarno church of Santa Chiara, raising questions about his residence at his death.
  • [h] “BORGIANNI, Iacopo” by Franco Cardini in www.treccani.it/biografico