
Brancacci, Felice di Michele di Piuvichese di Piuvichese di Brancaccio

Birth Family Brancacci
Gender male
Age at Death 68
Database ID 6839

Life Dates

June 26th, 1422 a
August 21st, 1424 b
July 2nd, 1430 c
September 5th, 1432 d
circa 1450

Employments (1 total)

Posts (12 total)

Office Government Date
Podestà (Podestà) Other
August 1408
Dieci di Pisa (Ten of Pisa) Other
October 1409
Tre Maggiori
August 29th, 1412
Tre Maggiori
March 12th, 1418
Ambassador (Ambasciatore) Other
1422 e
Tre Maggiori
August 29th, 1423
Tre Maggiori
August 29th, 1425
Tre Maggiori
December 20th, 1431
Tre Maggiori
March 12th, 1432
June 21st, 1434

Memorials (1 total)

Carmine 027 Cappella de Brancacci
1422 to 1434

Extended Family (25 total)

Parents in law
Siblings in law
Great grandparents
Great great grandparents
Aunts and uncles
Great aunts and uncles
First cousins
Second cousins
First cousins once removed
First cousins twice removed

Locations (2 total)

Drago S. Spirito, S. Spirito, Florence
1382 to January 18th, 1435 (year is approximate)
Siena, Italy
circa 1435 (date is approximate) to circa 1455 (date is approximate)

Sources (3 total)

ASF, Catasto, 1427 vol. 67: 46
ASF, Notarile antecosimiano g vol. 7385, fols. 43-44v; 7386, fol. 41v; 14662, 2 July 1430; 684, fol. 198v-200
D. Herlihy et al., Online Tratte


  • [a] drawn up shortly before departure for Cairo; declares desire for burial in Carmine "in sepultura sua et suorum precessorum" and that it should be inherited by all members of his Brancacci family, not just his son
  • [b] codicil
  • [c] new version of testament that indicates all members of Brancacci family will inherit chapel if his son dies childless
  • [d] third version of testament, drawn up after birth of daughter; stipulates that if chapel is not entirely painted and decorated, his heirs and executors must assume responsibility to complete it
  • [e] to Cairo, Egypt
  • [f] fled there after exile
  • [g] published by Molho, JWCI 1977; first two drawn up by S. Filippo di Cristofano, third by S. Domenico Mucini, and fourth by S. Angiolo di Piero da Terranuova