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Baldini, Giovanni di Michele di Baldino (cartolaio)

Alternate Forenames

  • Giovanni cartolaio
Birth Family Baldini
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 6886

Life Dates

May 7th, 1385 to October 25th, 1425
October 25th, 1425

Employments (1 total)

cartolaio (stationer, cartolarius)
May 7th, 1385 to October 25th, 1425

Memorials (2 total)

Badia 028 Giovanni Baldini
circa 1418 (date is approximate) to 1663
Badia 028 Giovanni Baldini
October 25th, 1425

Extended Family (25 total)

Children in law
Great grandchildren
Great great grandchildren

Related Groups (1 total)

Arte dei Medici e Speziali
May 7th, 1385 to October 25th, 1425

Locations (3 total)

S. Apollinare, Bue, S. Croce, Florence death
October 25th, 1425
S. Apollinare, Bue, S. Croce, Florence
circa 1418 (date is approximate) to October 25th, 1425
S. Maria in Campo, Vaio, S. Giovanni, Florence
May 7th, 1385 to September 1412

Sources (3 total)


  • [a] Berarda was Giovanni di Michele's second wife