
Ridolfi di Piazza, Emilia di Lorenzo di Piero di Niccolò di Luigi (uxor Niccolò di Sinibaldo Gaddi)

Alternate Forenames

  • Emilia
Birth Family Ridolfi di Piazza
Gender female
Age at Death 21
Database ID 7055

Life Dates

January 10th, 1543, July 5th, 1543 or a day in between
September 29th, 1563, March 24th, 1564 or a day in between a

Memorials (2 total)

S. Maria Novella 013 Cappella de' Sen. Niccolò Gaddi
September 29th, 1563, March 24th, 1564 or a day in between b
S. Maria Novella 013 Cappella de' Sen. Niccolò Gaddi

Extended Family (22 total)

Parents in law
Great grandparents
Great great grandparents
Aunts and uncles
Great aunts and uncles
Great great aunts and uncles
Second cousins
First cousins once removed

Related Groups (1 total)



  • [a] her son was only five months and twenty-five days when he died in 1564 (o.s.), meaning that she must have died between these two dates to render a death year for her in 1563 (o.s.)
  • [b] her son was only five months and twenty-five days when he died in 1564 (o.s.), meaning that she must have died between these two dates to render a death year for her in 1563 (o.s.)