
Inscription #1121, S. Maria Novella 193 tomb of the descendants of Magister Cambio

Diplomatic Transcription

S. Leonardi, et Michaelis Silvestri de Lapis, et suorum

Critical Transcription

S(epulcrum) Leonardi et Michaelis Silvestri de Lapis et suorum

Regularized Transcription

Sepulcrum Leonardi et Michaelis Silvestri de Lapis et suorum


The tomb of Leonardo and Michele di Salvestro Lapi and of their own

Memorial S. Maria Novella 193 tomb of the descendants of Magister Cambio
Taken From manuscript
Position cover
Text Direction unk
Letterform Unk
  • Latin
  • family named
  • honoree named
Database ID 1121