
Inscription #135, S. Croce crypt 001 Lapo, Bernardo, Ser Feo and their sons

Diplomatic Transcription

S. Lappi Bernardi & S. Fei & Filior.

Critical Transcription

S(epulcrum) Lappi Bernardi (et) S(er) Fei (et) Filior(um)

Regularized Transcription

Sepulcrum Lappi Bernardi et ser Fei et filiorum


The tomb of Lapo, Bernardo, and Ser Feo and of their sons

Memorial S. Croce crypt 001 Lapo, Bernardo, Ser Feo and their sons
Taken From manuscript
Text Direction unk
Letterform Unk
  • Latin
  • honoree named
Database ID 135