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Inscription #146, S. Croce 008 Ser Ristoro 1400

Diplomatic Transcription

Sepulcrum providi
7 discreti viri s. ristori s. iacobi civis inotarii
florentini 7 suorum
qui obiit anno dni mcccc die xx agosti

Critical Transcription

Sepulcrum providi / (et) discreti viri s(er) ristori s(er) iacobi civis inotarii / florentini (et) suorum / qui obiit anno d(omi)ni mcccc die xx agosti

Regularized Transcription

Sepulcrum providi et discreti viri ser ristori ser iacobi civis inotarii florentini et suorum qui obiit anno domini mcccc die xx agosti


The tomb of the provident and distinguished man S. Ristoro di S. Jacopo Florentine citizen and notary and of his own who died in the year of our Lord 1400 on the 20th day of August

Memorial S. Croce 008 Ser Ristoro 1400
Taken From monument
Position slab
Text Direction
Letterform Gothic
  • Latin
  • citizenship
  • date
  • day/month Florentine
  • honoree named
  • occupation
  • year
Database ID 146