
Inscription #1611, S. Felicita corticina 2b tassello son of Bondo a

Diplomatic Transcription

S. Filius Bondi

Critical Transcription

S(epulcrum) filius Bondi

Regularized Transcription

Sepulcrum filius Bondi [instauravit?]


The son of Bondo [installed?] the tomb.

Memorial S. Felicita corticina 2b tassello son of Bondo
Taken From manuscript
Position plug
Text Direction unk
Letterform Unk
  • Latin
Database ID 1611


  • [a] The sepoltuario gives no indication of missing or abraded letters or words, and it is unclear whether the use of the nominative was a mistake by the stone-carver, intended for a lost or implied verb, or was a mistake of transcription for the expected S. filii Bondi (The tomb of the son of Bondo).