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Inscription #1838, S. Pancrazio 012 Rucellai a

Diplomatic Transcription


Critical Transcription

Filiorum Philippi Vannis de Oricellariis et eoru(m) descendentiu(m) MCCCCLXXXV

Regularized Transcription

Filiorum Philippi Vannis de Oricellariis et eorum descendentium MCCCCLXXXV


Of the sons of Filippo di Vanni Rucellai and of their descendants 1485

Memorial S. Pancrazio 012 Rucellai
Taken From monument
Position cover
Text Direction
Letterform Roman
  • Latin
  • date
  • family named
  • year
Database ID 1838


  • [a] Some letters are rendered smaller or are conjoined to allow them all to fit into the perimeter of the stone, as in the 'um' of filiorum where the right stroke (or arm) of the V is the left leg of the M. Shared stems are also found in the two N's of 'Vannis' and the linked E and T for 'et'. Smaller I's are tucked into the L of Philippi and the R before the second 'I' of Oricellariis, while the E's in descendentium are set with in the bowls of their preceding letters.