Ut corpora terre reddantur, vetus hoc Cortesiō civiū Florentinorū sepulcrū, Laurentius, et Andreas eiusdem familie fratres. Ita reficiendum cur. MDLXXII
Ut corpora terr(a)e reddantur vetus hoc Cortesio(rum) civiu(m) Florentinoru(m) sepulcru(m) Laurentius et Andreas eiusdem famili(a)e fratres ita reficiendum cur(averunt) MDLXXII
Ut corpora terrae reddantur vetus hoc Cortesiorum civium Florentinorum sepulcrum Laurentius et Andreas eiusdem familiae fratres ita reficiendum curaverunt MDLXXII
In order that the bodies may be returned to the earth, Lorenzo and Andreas, brothers, took care that this ancient tomb of the Cortesi, Florentine citizens, of their very same family, would thus be restored 1572
Memorial | Carmine 038.1 Cortesi |
Taken From | manuscript |
Position | cover |
Text Direction | unk |
Letterform | Unk |
Languages |
Keywords |
Database ID | 2047 |