Antonius Bertius Petri F. sibi, et Natis, Natoru.q. Natis speulcru. hoc pone. Aramq: erigenda. curavit, corpori, animeq. consulens Anno MDLXXIV
Antonius Bertius Petri F(ilius) sibi, et Natis, Natoru(m)q(ue) Natis speulcru(m) hoc pone(ndum) Aramq(ue) erigenda(m) curavit, corpori, anim(a)eq(ue) consulens Anno MDLXXIV
Antonius Bertius Petri filius sibi et natis, Natorumque natis speulcrum hoc ponendum aramque erigendam curavit, corpori, animaeque consulens Anno MDLXXIV
Antonio Berti, son of Piero, took care that this tomb be placed and altar be erected for himself and for his children and the children of his children, looking after his body and his soul in the year 1574.
Memorial | S. Croce 031b Tomb of Antonio di Piero Berti 1574 |
Taken From | manuscript |
Text Direction | frn |
Letterform | Frn |
Languages |
Keywords |
Database ID | 2381 |
Stefano Rosselli, Sepoltuario Fiorentino, autograph | pp. 324, no. 31 |