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Inscription #2469, S. Remigio 40.2 Carucci e Fazzi memorial plaque

Diplomatic Transcription

Cori parietem iam Annis CCL a Maioribus hic erectum, Caruccij et Fazij ad templi decorem diruendum consensere gentilitijs insignibus humi restitutis A.D. MDLXX

Critical Transcription

C(h)ori parietem iam annis CCL a maioribus hic erectum Caruccii et Fazii ad templi decorem diruendum consensere gentilitiis insignibus humi restitutis A(nno) D(omini) MDLXX

Regularized Transcription

Chori parietem, iam annis CCL a maioribus hic erectum, Caruccii et Fazii ad templi decorem diruendum consensere, gentilitiis insignibus humi restitutis anno Domini MDLXX


The Carucci and Fazi have consented to the demolition of the wall of the choir, erected by their ancestors 250 years before, for the sake of the beauty of the church, after their family emblems, on the ground, had been restituted. In the year of Our Lord 1570.

Memorial S. Remigio 40.2 Carucci e Fazzi memorial plaque
Taken From manuscript
  • Latin
  • date
  • family named
  • restoration referenced
  • year
Database ID 2469