
Inscription #445, S. Croce crypt 124 Cerrino Giamboni Grossanelli

Diplomatic Transcription

S. Cerre Giamboni de Grossanellis et suoru descendentium

Critical Transcription

S(epulcrum) Cerr(a)e Giamboni de Grossanellis et suoru(m) descendentium

Regularized Transcription

Sepulcrum Cerrae Giamboni de Grossanellis et suorum descendentium


The tomb of Cerra son of Giamboni from the Grossanelli and of his descendants

Memorial S. Croce crypt 124 Cerrino Giamboni Grossanelli
Taken From manuscript
Text Direction unk
Letterform Unk
  • Latin
  • family named
  • honoree named
Database ID 445