
Location Type
Latitude 43.7667
Longitude 11.1
Getty TGN 7006165
Database ID 490

Groups (1 total)

Individuals (6 total)

no surname, Corso di Arrigo
no surname used, Andrea di Guerrazzo
no surname used, Francesco di Lotto di Paganuccio death
no surname used, Lorenzo di Guerrazzo
Pandolfini, Agnolo (messer) di Filippo di S. Giovanni di S. Jacopo di S. Pandolfino death
Pandolfini, Carlo di Bernardo di M. Francesco di Bartolommeo di M. Carlo death
June 6th, 1610 (year is approximate)


  • [a] Though he was heir to his father's tomb in Santa Croce, Francesco had a tomb in his honor at the church of S. Maria delle Selve.
  • [b] Badia death record notes he died at the Pandolfini villa in Lastra and was carried in a casket back to Florence for burial.