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Location Type
Database ID 61

Buildings (1 total)

Individuals (9 total)

Baldo (messer) di Puccio (da Figline)
July 19th, 1309 to April 12th, 1329
Buonarroti, Berlinghieri di Bernardo
Dati, Piero di Dato
Ferraccini, Domenico (fra) (OP)
Giacomo di M. Baldo da Figline
Magalotti, Bese
Medici, Lapa (donna) (uxor Coppo de’Medici)
Nevaldini, Bartolo (ser) di Nevaldino (da Barberino)
March 19th, 1309 (year is approximate) to August 10th, 1343
Segni, Segna (ser) (da Rignana)
1285 to 1325

Related Locations (1 total)


  • [a] Given that Piero di Dato installed his tomb in the north cemetery, one of the oldest burial sites at the church, he likely lived prior to the 1343 redivision of the city into quarters. He certainly lived in the parish of S. Firenze, we just do not know when.
  • [b] His father messer Baldo lived in this parish.