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S. Croce cemetery 002 M. Amerigo Donati 1333

Rosselli Number 2.0
Memorial Type
Status lost
Current Repository na
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation unk
Tomb Form unk
Liturgical Orientation unk
Documented Types
  • sepoltura
Decorative Elements
Database ID 11018


circa 1440s (date is approximate) a

Inscriptions (1 total)

755 S. 1333. Doni Amerigi De Donatis

Individuals (1 total)

Donati, Amerigo (messer) di M. Corso di M. Simone di Donato di M. Cocco
1333 to circa 1440s (date is approximate)

Groups (1 total)

1333 to circa 1440s (date is approximate)

Related Memorials (2 total)

S. Croce cemetery 001 M. Bernardino da Polenta
S. Croce cemetery 003 Count of Battifolle: b


  • [a] Stefano Rosselli reports that this tomb was one of sixteen that was covered over by the construction of the Salviati chapel, which was founded between 1446 and 1447 ("Le soprascritte Armi e Sepolture da n. 1 a n. 16 sono da gran tempo in quà guasto, e coperte dalla Cappella de Salviati fabbricata dopo, e da altre stanze.")

    Listed in the 1439 sepoltuario as destroyed (disfatta), it may have been dismantled even earlier.
  • [b] This tomb is described as at the head of the cemetery, raised off of the ground and supported by two lions.