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Badia 090 Biagio di Niccolino and sons

Rosselli Number 90.0
Memorial Type
Status extant
Current Repository moved
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation with wall component(s)
Tomb Form unk
Liturgical Orientation frn
Documented Types
  • tassello
Component Parts
Decorative Elements
  • macigno
Database ID 11041

Inscriptions (1 total)

The tomb of Biagio di Niccolino and of his sons

Individuals (3 total)

Niccolini Sirigatti, Biagio di Niccolino di Ruzza di Arrigo di Bonavia
1300s to 1666
Niccolini Sirigatti, Lapo di Niccolino di Ruzza di Arrigo di Bonavia
no later than November 2nd, 1341
Niccolini Sirigatti, Lapo di Giovanni di Lapo di Niccolino di Ruzza
July 12th, 1381 to December 24th, 1430

Groups (1 total)

Niccolini Sirigatti


  • [a] Even though the Badia tomb was adorned with a marker honoring Lapo's brother Biagio, Stefano Rosselli cites an old Badia sepoltuario that listed "S. Lapi Niccolini." It is unclear whether this indicates a lost inscription or simply Lapo's ownership of the grave. Lapo had a monument at Santa Croce dated 1341, the year in which he died. Lapo's son Giovanni and his grandson Lapo indicated in their wills that they wanted to be buried either in Santa Croce or in the Badia dependent on the wishes of their heirs, which further suggests Lapo's rights to the Badia tomb even if he chose not to use them.
  • [b] Lapo di Giovanni indicated in his will that he wanted to be buried either in Santa Croce or in the Badia dependent on the wishes of his heirs, thus suggesting he had rights to use the tomb of his great-great uncle Biagio di Niccolino in the monastery's cemetery. His children opted for the friary. Lapo died outside of Florence on Christmas Eve 1430 and was buried in his father's tomb at Santa Croce three days later.