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S. Croce 148 M. Forese Salviati

Rosselli Number 148.0
Memorial Type
Status extant
Current Repository in situ
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation frn
Tomb Form rectangular
Liturgical Orientation unk
Length 3.18
Width 1.62
Documented Types
  • lapida
  • frn
  • lastrone
Component Parts
  • slab
  • relief sculpture
  • frn
Decorative Elements
  • effigy
  • marble
Database ID 11328

Inscriptions (1 total)

937 Hoc de Salviatis in marmoreo monumento militis egregi domini sunt ossa Foresis qui patrie fervens fuit et sincerus amator da pie xpe [Christe] sibi requiem lucemq[ue] perhene

Individuals (4 total)

Salviati, Forese (messer) di M. Giovanni di M. Lotto di Mag. Salvi di S. Guglielmo a
Salviati, Giovanni di M. Forese di M. Giovanni di M. Lotto di Mag. Salvi
by 1427
Salviati, Ruberto di Marco di M. Forese di M. Giovanni di M. Lotto
1418, 1427 or a year in between
Salviati, Forese (messer) di M. Giovanni di M. Lotto di Mag. Salvi di S. Guglielmo b
1426, 1430 or a year in between

Groups (1 total)

from about 1418 to today


  • [a] Pines and Chiti argue that slab was completed after burial
  • [b] Pines dates slab to this period