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S. Croce cemetery 164 Francesco di Compagno di Rovaio a

Rosselli Number 164.0
Memorial Type
Status lost
Current Repository na
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation unk
Tomb Form unk
Liturgical Orientation unk
Documented Types
  • sepoltura
Decorative Elements
Database ID 11507


before 1439

Individuals (2 total)

Rovai, Francesco di Compagno di Rovaio
to the mid fifteenth century
Rovai, Pace di Marco di Rovaio
before 1439

Groups (1 total)

Rovai b

Related Memorials (2 total)

S. Croce cemetery 163 Compagnia di Santa Maria Vergine della Croce al Tempio
S. Croce cemetery 165 Guidotto di Martino:


  • [] The 1596 copy left entry 164 blank.
  • [] Stefano Rosselli included a placeholder for tomb 164 but did not provide any information about it.
  • [] The Stefano Rosselli copyist was inconsistent in how he dealt with Rosselli's blank entries. In the case of the tomb of Francesco di Compagno di Rovaio, he skipped from entry 163 to 165.
  • [a] The 1439 sepoltuario records the ownership of this tomb, and is difficult to decipher. The 1596 copy and Stefano Rosselli left the entry blank, suggesting that the family died out or that heirs had sold rights of burial back to the church.
  • [b] The owners of the Santa Croce tomb may not belong to this lineage but rather have an ancestor named Rovaio.