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S. Croce cemetery 266 Benozzo di Andrea di Benozzo

Rosselli Number 266.0
Memorial Type
Status lost
Current Repository na
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation with wall component(s)
Tomb Form unk
Liturgical Orientation N
Documented Types
  • sepoltura
Component Parts
Decorative Elements
  • a
Database ID 11596


late 13th or early 14th century

Individuals (1 total)

Benozzi Andrea, Benozzo di Andrea di Benozzo

Groups (1 total)

Benozzi Andrea

Related Memorials (2 total)

S. Croce cemetery 265 nessuno
S. Croce cemetery 267 Gregorio di Rinieri di Salvino, commesso al Paradiso:


  • [a] The nineteenth-century copy of the 1439 sepoltuario kept in the Archivio di Santa Croce states that the arms were painted, suggesting that the wall above the tomb carried a painted stemma as also seen in the south cloister.