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S. Felicita 13 Cappella de Nerli

Rosselli Number 13.0
Memorial Type altar
Status lost
Current Repository na
Primary Installation na
Secondary Installation na
Tomb Form na
Liturgical Orientation W
Documented Types
  • cappella
  • altare
  • tavola
Component Parts
  • mensa
Database ID 116

Individuals (2 total)

Nerli, Francesco di Filippo di Loso di Lapo di Catello
Tornaquinci, Dianora di Bernardo di Bernardo (o Barabottini, uxor Francesco di Filippo Nerli)

Groups (2 total)


Related Memorials (3 total)

S. Felicita 12.3a Cappella de Capponi
S. Felicita 14a Altare de Machiavelli:
S. Felicita 34 1616:


  • [a] The sepoltuari are vague on the location of this altar, but it may have been one of two on the retrofacade or it was along the south wall.
  • [b] he was married to a Tornaquinci
  • [c] her arms impaled with Nerli