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S. Maria Novella 029 Benci di Buono Sacchetti

Rosselli Number 29.0
Memorial Type
Status frn
Current Repository frn
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation unk
Tomb Form frn
Liturgical Orientation frn
Documented Types
  • monumento
  • lastrone
  • lapida
  • arme
Component Parts
  • frn
  • slab
Decorative Elements
  • marble
Database ID 11852


October 24th, 1347

Inscriptions (1 total)

1082 Anno Dni 1347. die 24 Octobris.
Sep. Bencii Boni de Sacchettis
In the year of the Lord 1347 on the 24th day of October, the tomb of Benci di Bono from the Sacchetti family

Individuals (3 total)

Sacchetti, Benci di Buono di Cione di M. Gallia di Uguccione
October 24th, 1347 to circa 1860s (date is approximate)
Oretta (donna) (uxor a son of Franco Sacchetti)
September 2nd, 1388
Sacchetti, Franco di Benci di Buono di Cione di M. Gallia
August 1400

Groups (1 total)

October 24th, 1347 to circa 1860s (date is approximate)


  • [a] Oretta was buried at Santa Maria Novella, presumably in the tomb of her father-in-law.