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S. Spirito cloister 157 Benino di Neldo de Redolfini

Rosselli Number 157.0
Memorial Type
Status extant
Current Repository in situ
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation with wall component(s)
Tomb Form tabernacle
Liturgical Orientation W
Height 40.5
Width 28.0
Documented Types
  • monumento
Component Parts
  • relief sculpture
Decorative Elements
Database ID 12935

Inscriptions (1 total)

1622 + •$•BEnInO • nELDI / dEREDOLFInI / 3 FILIO 4 • ~ A tomb for Benino di Neldo from the Redolfini family and of his sons

Individuals (6 total)

del Benino, Benino di Neldo (de Ridolfini)
circa 1330s to present
del Benino, Benino di Neldo (de Ridolfini)
after March 1340
del Benino, Andrea di Benino di Neldo (setaiuolus)
after March 1340
del Benino, Andrea di Benino di Neldo (setaiuolus)
del Benino, Francesco di Benino di Neldo di Ridolfino
del Benino, Stefano di Benino di Neldo

Groups (1 total)

del Benino
circa 1330s to present


  • [a] It seems certain that Benino di Neldo was buried in the tomb he installed and had inscribed with his name and coat of arms.
  • [b] Stefano Rosselli cites a book of the friars noting that the tomb belonged to Andrea.