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S. M. Maggiore 01b monumento Barone Cappelli 1348

Rosselli Number 1.0
Memorial Type
Status frn
Current Repository frn
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation no additional components
Tomb Form frn
Liturgical Orientation frn
Documented Types
  • monumento
Component Parts
  • slab
Decorative Elements
  • a
Database ID 12960


after 1382 b

Inscriptions (1 total)

2273 Sep. Nobilis ac prudentis viri Baronis Cappelli Mercatoris de Florentia, qui obiit Anno Dñi MCCCXXXXVIII die 19 Junii The tomb of the noble and wise man Barone Cappelli merchant from Florence who died in the year of the Lord 1348 on the 19th day of June

Individuals (3 total)

Cappelli, Barone di Barone
June 19th, 1348
Cappelli, Filippo di Barone di Barone
circa 1383 (date is approximate)
Cappelli, Barone di Barone
circa 1383 (date is approximate) to circa 1808 (date is approximate) c

Groups (1 total)

1348 to circa 1808 (date is approximate)

Related Memorials (1 total)

S. M. Maggiore 01a Cappella Maggiore de Cappelli


  • [a] The arms in the chapel were the simple Cardinal's hat whereas on the tomb they included a small scudo showing three fleur-de-lis and a three-prong label.
  • [b] The family was only granted use of the French arms in 1382 through Filippo di Barone Cappelli
  • [c] If Francesco della Foresta is correct that Barone's tomb carried the French scudetto, then it was either installed after 1382 when his son Filippo was ambassador to France, or the monument was restored to update the coat of arms.