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S. Apollinare 04 Altare de Barucci

Alternate Names

  • 3. Cappella con arme di Pietra sopra l'acho della nave del mezzo
  • Barucci Altar
Rosselli Number 4.0
Memorial Type chapel
Status lost
Current Repository na
Primary Installation na
Secondary Installation na
Tomb Form na
Liturgical Orientation N
Documented Types
  • altare
  • cappella
Component Parts
  • arch
  • mensa
Decorative Elements
Database ID 155


Maybe 1300s (date is uncertain) to Maybe 1500s (date is uncertain)
1606 to 1609
circa 1636 (date is approximate) a

Groups (2 total)

del Corno

Related Memorials (1 total)

S. Apollinare 05a Cappella della Camera:


  • [a] In 1655, Stefano Rosselli noted that only the Barucci arms remained in the church over the arch of the vault that formerly covered the altar, which was presumably removed during the Sacchetti-sponsored renovations completed in 1636.
  • [b] The Barucci family arms were carved in stone over the arch that framed the altar.
  • [c] The del Corno family lived in the neighborhood, and their arms almost match those described by Francesco della Foresta in 1606 as decorating the altarpiece. Both are described as blue shields with a hunting horn suspended by a strap. The Ceramelli Papiani archive identifies the horn as silver with a red strap while della Foresta indicates they were both gold.