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Ognissanti 1 Cappella Maggiore a

Situated In


Alternate Names

  • Cappella Maggiore
Rosselli Number 1.0
Memorial Type chapel
Status extant
Current Repository in situ
Primary Installation na
Secondary Installation na
Tomb Form na
Liturgical Orientation NE
Documented Types
  • cappella
  • cartella
Component Parts
  • chapel
  • choir
  • plaque
Decorative Elements
Database ID 211

Inscriptions (1 total)

617 PANDVLPHVS ALBERTI •F• PHILIPPI •N• E NOBILISS. / BARDORVM FAM, ORTVS : QVÆ VERNII DOMINATVR : / AC FRANCISCI MED, MAGNI ETRVRIAE DVCIS / MAGNVS CVBICVLARIVS CVM IN ÆDEOMNIVMSANCT. / LOCVS DEESSET : IN QVO PIE SANCTE QVE / EVCHARISTIA SERVARETVR : AC FRATRES / SACERD• LAVDES DEO OPT. MAX CANERENT. / TESTVDINEM HANC A'FVNDAMENTIS PIETATIS / •C• ÆDIFICARI• C•P•S• AN•M•D•LXXIIII• Pandolfo, son of Alberto, grandson of Filippo, having been raised out of the most noble family of the Bardi, who rules in Vernio, and great chamberlain of Francesco Medici Grand Duke of Tuscany, since the place in the Church of All Saints was wanting, in which the Eucharist was piously and sacredly kept, and the brother priests were singing praises to the greatest and best God. The Keeper of the Privy Seal arranged this vault to be built from the foundation of piety in the year 1574.

Individuals (1 total)

Bardi, Pandolfo di Alberto di Filippo (di Vernio)

Groups (1 total)

Bardi b


  • [a] The dedication plaque for the new choir still survives. Both Della Foresta and Stefano Rosselli had minor transcription errors in their sepoltuari.
  • [b] specifically the Conti di Vernio branch of the Bardi family