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S. Croce 010a Cappella di S. Antonio Abate de Castellani

Alternate Names

  • Cappella del Sacramento
  • Castellani Chapel
Rosselli Number 10.0
Memorial Type chapel
Status extant
Current Repository in situ
Primary Installation na
Secondary Installation na
Tomb Form na
Liturgical Orientation W
Documented Types
  • cappella
  • bandiera
Component Parts
  • arch
  • flag
  • mensa
  • stained glass
  • tomb
Database ID 30


July 9th, 1383 a
August 1383 to 1394 b

Inscriptions (1 total)

1502 [at left] D.O.M. / Francisco Castellano equiti integerrimo Bartholomeus filius pientissimus religione ac pietate dicavit.

[at right] Anno Dñi ab eius salutifera incarnatione generisq: humani redemptione MDV. XII Kal: Maias.
To God, most good, most great. For the most upstanding knight Francesco Castellani, his son Bartolommeo, most pious in religion and piety, dedicated [this altar]. In the year of the Lord from his saving incarnation and redemption of the human race, on the 12th kalends of May 1505.
to the most upright knight, Francis of Castella, son of Bartholomew, most pious in religion and piety, dedicated. In the year of our Lord from his salutary incarnation and redemption of the human race, 1505, the 12th Kalends of May (April 20th).

Individuals (4 total)

Castellani, Michele di Vanni di S. Lotto di S. Alberto di Altafronte
July 9th, 1383
Castellani, Bartolommeo di M. Francesco di M. Matteo di Michele di Vanni
early 1505
Castellani, Francesco (messer) di M. Matteo di Michele di Vanni di S. Lotto
April 20th, 1505 to 1815 c
Castellani, Bartolommeo di M. Francesco di M. Matteo di Michele di Vanni
April 20th, 1505 to 1815

Groups (1 total)


Related Memorials (3 total)

S. Croce 010b monumento nel mezzo della cappella:
S. Croce 010c cassone Francesco Castellani and Elena Alamanni:
S. Croce 010d sepoltura nella Cappella di Castellani:


  • [a] In a revision of his first testament drawn up in 1370, Michele di Vanni Castellani left 1,000 gold florins to the friary to construct and endow a chapel where would be buried with his son Rinieri. The sources refer to the chapel as belonging to the heirs of Michele di Vanni Castellani.
  • [b] Agnolo Gaddi recorded the completion of the chapel's fresco decoration in 1394.
  • [c] In 1815 the Castellani chapel altar decoration was significantly changed with the installation of a marble and semiprecious-stone altar, a seventeenth-century ciborium now in the museum, and the Giorgio Vasari's 1564 Last Supper originally made for the Franciscan convent of Le Murate.