
S. Spirito cloister 107 Domenico di Sandro and descendants a

Rosselli Number 107.0
Memorial Type
Status lost
Current Repository na
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation no additional components
Tomb Form unk
Liturgical Orientation N
Documented Types
  • monumento
Component Parts
  • slab
Decorative Elements
Database ID 30197

Individuals (2 total)

Bartolo di Michele b
no surname, Domenico di Sandro c

Groups (1 total)

no surname used


  • [a] At the time of his tomb's installation, Domenico di Sandro and his family used neither a surname nor heraldry. Even though he correctly transcribed Rosselli's description of Domenico's tomb as carrying only an inscription, the ASFi copyist erroneously labeled the coat of arms from the previous entry as belonging to Domenico's monument.
  • [b] Francesco della Foresta cites what was likely a sepoltuario from the 1500s noting that Bartolo di Michele had rights to this tomb, but it is unclear whether it passed to Domenico di Sandro through inheritance or concession.
  • [c] Domenico di Sandro had installed his tomb no later than 1604 when Francesco della Foresta described it.