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S. Spirito cloister 227 Marco, Tommaso, Giovanni, and Benozzo a

Rosselli Number 227.0
Memorial Type
Status lost
Current Repository na
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation unk
Tomb Form unk
Liturgical Orientation unk
Documented Types
  • monumento
Decorative Elements
Database ID 30305

Inscriptions (1 total)

2142 S. Marcus, Tommasius, Joannes Bartoli Benozzius Bonsi [or Bensi] de ...... et descendenti ...... Marco, Tommaso, and Giovanni di Bartolo and Benozzo di Bonso from the .... placed a tomb for themselves and for their descendants.

Groups (1 total)

no surname used


  • [a] Rosselli's autograph sepoltuario makes clear that the name "Bartoli" was added to the entry, which contains ellipses for the family surname and possibly more information after "descendenti" across three lines of text: S. Marcus, Tommasius, Joannes, / Benozzius Bonsi [or Bensi] de ...... / et descendenti ...... Because Bartoli was added in the space between "Joannes" and the drawing of the family's coat of arms, it is hard to know whether it is a patronym for the first three names, as suggested by the ASFi copy or for them all in place of the difficult to read Bonsi/Bensi.

    It is odd that four of the names, Marco, Tommaso, Giovanni, and Benozzo, are all in the nominative rather than in the expected genitive, but the second ellipsis could indicate the onetime presence of a verb like "posuerunt" indicating that they were the monument's patrons.