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Carmine 109 Religiosi del Convento

Alternate Names

  • Tomb of Fra Giovanni di Niccolò da Venezia
  • Tomb of Fra Marmino del Carmine
Rosselli Number 109.0
Memorial Type
Status frn
Current Repository frn
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation no additional components
Tomb Form rectangular
Liturgical Orientation frn
Documented Types
  • lastrone
  • chiusino
  • lapida
Component Parts
  • slab
  • cover
  • relief sculpture
Decorative Elements
  • effigy
  • a
  • marble
Database ID 30661


1499 b
1593 c

Inscriptions (2 total)

1947 Religio quos una tulit fert
Urna sepultos
Unica ut his unus det
Sua Regna Deus
Sic statuit Patrum pietas
Viventium in isto
Carmelo unitis ut foret
Una Domus
The order of friars brings the buried, whom they brought together, in a single urn so that the one God may give to these his powers thus the loyalty of the living fathers established in this Carmel, unite so that you may be one house.
1948 Sortem celebro Crysippi evolvere pugnas
Solvere Zenonis quodq. dolosus habet
Frigidulo heu albus moriens sub marmore clausus
Quanta est heu Logicis facta ruina viris
I celebrate that the fate of Chrysippus to unfold battles
to unbind the fate of Zeno whatever the crafty has
Alas, white, closed under this somewhat cold marble
Alas how great the destruction was made by logical men

Individuals (2 total)

no surname, Giovanni (fra) di Niccolò (Reverendo Padre Mariae Fratrum, detto il Bianco)
1499 to January 28th, 1771
Sangalletti, Leone (maestro) (Molto Reverendo Padre)

Groups (3 total)

no surname used
1499 to January 28th, 1771
frati di Santa Maria del Carmine
1593 to January 28th, 1771
1593 to January 28th, 1771


  • [a] on chiusino
  • [b] death of Fra Giovanni di Niccolò da Venezia
  • [c] addition of chiusino to make a new tomb for Carmelite friars previously buried in Cappella della Passione and then in chapter room
  • [d] Libro padronati
  • [e] inscription
  • [f] after 1593 place for burial of Carmelite friars
  • [g] inscription