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S. Martino a Gangalandi 1 Lorenzo and Andrea di Guerazzo a

Rosselli Number 1.0
Memorial Type
Status extant
Current Repository moved
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation with wall component(s)
Tomb Form rectangular
Liturgical Orientation E
Documented Types
  • tassello
Component Parts
Decorative Elements
Database ID 30676



Inscriptions (1 total)

2482 S LORENÇO / E ANDREA DIG / VERAÇO 1460 The tomb of Lorenzo and Andrea di Guerazo 1460

Individuals (2 total)

no surname used, Andrea di Guerrazzo
1460 to present
no surname used, Lorenzo di Guerrazzo
1460 to present

Groups (1 total)

no surname used


  • [a] The sepoltuario for San Martino a Gangalandi appears among the churches added to Rosselli's collection by the author of the ASFi copy (Man. 625). Thus this tomb marker is not in the autograph version. It survives but has been reinstalled in the passageway along the southern exterior wall of the church. The Rosselli copyist introduced an error in his transcription rendering Lorenzo the son of Andrea (Lorenzo d'Andrea), in fact his brother, as clearly indicated in the stone's inscription indicating the two were the sons of Guerrazzo (Lorenzo e Andrea di Guerazo). The author documented the marker in the portion of the cemetery in front of the church under the western portico, likely its original position after installation in 1460 to mark the place where Lorenzo and Andrea intended to be buried.