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S. Jacopo tra fossi 03 Altare della SS. Annunziata

Situated In

S. Jacopo tra Fossi
Rosselli Number 3.0
Memorial Type altar
Status frn
Current Repository frn
Primary Installation na
Secondary Installation na
Tomb Form na
Liturgical Orientation frn
Documented Types
  • cappella
  • tavola
Component Parts
  • mensa
  • plaque
Decorative Elements
Database ID 31333


1531 a
1627 b

Inscriptions (1 total)

2088 Questa cappella è de Discendenti di Dante, e Bernardo da Castiglione, et è stata restaurata del tutto da Bernardo di Francesco da Castiglione l'anno 1610 This chapel is of the descendants of Dante and Bernardo da Castiglione, and it was restored entirely by Bernardo di Francesco da Castiglione in the year 1610

Individuals (5 total)

da Castiglione, Dante di Bernardo di Dante di Guido di Tieri (del Miracolo)
circa 1460s (date is approximate)
da Castiglione, Bernardo di Dante di Bernardo di Dante di Guido
certainly by 1610, likely earlier
da Castiglione, Dante di Bernardo di Dante di Guido di Tieri (del Miracolo)
certainly by 1610, likely earlier
da Castiglione, Bernardo di Francesco di Bernardo di Dante di Bernardo
Guidetti, Contessina (uxor Bernardo di Francesco da Castiglione)

Groups (2 total)

da Castiglione

Related Memorials (1 total)

S. Jacopo tra Fossi 02 Altare


  • [a] Andrea del Sarto's Annunciazione di San Gallo moved to Annunciation Chapel after destruction of San Gallo and transfer of their friars to San Jacopo.
  • [b] Andrea del Sarto's painting removed to Pitti Palace, replaced with a copy by Ottavio Vannini (attributed).
  • [c] Seems the most likely candidate for initial patron of the family chapel in S. Jacopo tra le Fosse, but it could have been his grandfather Dante di Guido, though he was buried in Santa Maria Novella.
  • [d] the chapel was restored by his grandchild Bernardo di Francesco and his wife Contessina Guidetti in 1610, and he is the most likely candidate to be the honoree mentioned in the inscription, though it could have been his grandfather Bernardo di Dante
  • [e] the chapel was restored by his great-grandchild Bernardo di Francesco and his wife Contessina Guidetti in 1610, and he is the most likely candidate to be the honoree mentioned in the inscription, though it could have been his granfather Dante di Guido, who was buried in Santa Maria Novella