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S. Jacopo soprarno 55 Rosso and Micho di Giovanni a

Rosselli Number 55.0
Memorial Type
Status lost
Current Repository na
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation with wall component(s)
Tomb Form unk
Liturgical Orientation unk
Documented Types
  • arme
Component Parts
Decorative Elements
Database ID 31505

Inscriptions (1 total)

2181 + S. Rossi et Michi olim Joannis et filiorum The tomb of Rosso and Micho of the late Giovanni and of their sons.

Individuals (2 total)

no surname used, Micho di Giovanni
no surname used, Rosso di Giovanni

Groups (1 total)

no surname used

Related Memorials (2 total)

S. Jacopo soprarno 54 arme di Salvano di Dietisalvi
S. Jacopo soprarno 56 arme di Bencivenni Morgiani:


  • [a] This tomb commissioned by the brothers Rosso and Micho indicated that their father Giovanni had died by the time they had the inscription carved. Other than a coat of arms with a dark bend, we know nothing more about them.