
S. Maria Novella parish grave a

Situated In

S. Maria Novella
Memorial Type
Status frn
Current Repository frn
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation no additional components
Tomb Form frn
Liturgical Orientation frn
Database ID 31558

Individuals (3 total)

Rimbaldesi, Vanni di Vante di Lapo di Rimbaldo di Tano
January 11th, 1334
Grazzini, Bencivenni di Grazzino
April 17th, 1375
Margarita (domina) (uxor Bencivenni Grazzini)
December 16th, 1378


  • [a] This memorial is being used as a catch-all for people known to have been buried at Santa Maria Novella but as yet have no connection to a particular family tomb.
  • [b] Donna Margarita requested burial in the Dominican habit at Santa Maria Novella, which was her parish church.