
S. Felicita 12.5b cartella

Rosselli Number 90.0
Memorial Type plaque
Status frn
Current Repository frn
Primary Installation wall
Secondary Installation no additional components
Tomb Form na
Liturgical Orientation S
Documented Types
  • cartella
Component Parts
  • plaque
Decorative Elements
Database ID 31570



Inscriptions (1 total)

2222 Templum hoc Deo, et B. Felicitati dicatum, et annis iam DCC peractis, sacris hisce Virginibus a Rom: Pontifice datum; Nicolaus II. qui earum Moansterium fere destructum, dum episcopali munere in Florentina sede fungeret. cooptato Nobilium Sanctimonialiū Collegio, reedificādum curaverat; Summus Pontifex factus Anno MLIX. sept. die Novembris, quę fuit dies dominica solemniter consecravit. Quarū rerū ne memoria pereat Sanctes Arsettatus eiusdem Templi Prior: monum: hoc Pon: cur: Ann: MDC. This church dedicated to God and to Saint Felicita, and having been completed now for 700 years, given to these holy virgins by the Roman High Priest, Nicholas II, who, while in the episcopal service in the Florentine seat, was discharged by the chosen college of noble religious, had undertaken that their nearly destroyed monastery be rebuilt. The highest priest solemnly consecrated this in the year 1059 on the seventh day of November, which was the Lord's day. Lest memory of these things pass away, Santi Arsetti himself, prior of the church, took care that this monument be placed in the year 1600.

Related Memorials (3 total)

S. Felicita 11a Cappella de Canigiani
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S. Felicita 12.5a uscio che va alle Monache