
San Marco 106 chiusino del Rosso vaiaio

Situated In

S. Marco -- Sanctuary
Rosselli Number 106.0
Memorial Type
Status frn
Current Repository frn
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation no additional components
Tomb Form round
Liturgical Orientation frn
Documented Types
  • chiusino
Component Parts
  • cover
Decorative Elements
  • a
Database ID 31848

Individuals (1 total)

del Rosso Vaiai, Rosso di Pierozzo di Domenico di Jacopo di Rosso

Groups (1 total)

del Rosso Vaiai


  • [a] Stefano Rosselli reports that the inscription was ruined but surmised that the arms, which he describes, belonged to the del Rosso vaiai family.
  • [b] Stefano Rosselli said that the inscription on the San Marco tomb was ruined but reported that two men from the del Rosso family were noted in an inventory in the friary's sacristy and could be owners, heirs, or commissioners of the tomb in the church floor. They were Rosso di Pierozzo del Rosso and Rosso di Giuliano del Rosso. The former appears in a family tree among the Carte Dei and Carte Pucci.