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S. Maria di Montedomini Arms of Filippo di Dante Marsili

Memorial Type
Status lost
Current Repository na
Primary Installation wall
Secondary Installation na
Tomb Form na
Liturgical Orientation na
Documented Types
  • arme
Component Parts
Decorative Elements
Database ID 31865


1360 a
after 1372 b
1529 c

Individuals (1 total)

Marsili, Filippo di Dante (pop. S. Pier Scheraggio)

Groups (1 total)



  • [a] In his testament drawn up by ser Nastagio di ser Jacopo Pucci da Empoli, Filippo offered 40 lire to the nuns if they agreed to place his coat of arms over the convent door towards Florence, the door towards Fiesole, and another over the gate of the church. Whether they were in fact installed is unknown.
  • [b] If the nuns honored Filippo Marsili's request, his arms would have gone up only after his death. His last documented date in his 1372 marriage to Bilia di Cristofano Compagni.
  • [c] The Montedomini convent outside the Porta San Gallo was destroyed in the siege of Florence.
  • [d] Rosselli reports that Marsili arms were requested in a testament of 1360, but he did not know whether they in fact were ever installed.