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S. Jacopo soprarno 03.1a Altare degl'Ermini a

Alternate Names

  • Altare da Montauto
  • Altare della Natività o di S. Francesco
  • Altare di S. Francesco
Rosselli Number 3.0
Memorial Type altar
Status lost
Current Repository na
Primary Installation na
Secondary Installation na
Tomb Form na
Liturgical Orientation N
Documented Types
  • altare
Component Parts
  • mensa
  • tomb
Decorative Elements
Database ID 526


1540 b

Individuals (3 total)

Ermini, Francesco di Michele c
until 1540
Ermini, Michele di Jacopo di Michele
until 1540
da Montauto, Cristofano di Lorenzo di Giovanni di Salvestro di Cenni
1540 to 1542

Groups (1 total)

Ermini d
until 1542 e

Related Memorials (2 total)

S. Jacopo soprarno 03.1b sepoltura degl'Ermini:
until 1540
S. Jacopo soprarno 03.2a Altare della Natività o di S. Francesco:
1540 to 1542 f


  • [a] Rosselli describes this and other altars as towards the sacristy and convent, that is, to the left of the high altar at the liturgical north, which corresponded to northwest on the compass.
  • [b] see note below regarding date
  • [c] Together with his nephew Michele di Jacopo, Francesco sold the altar and its accompanying tomb to members of the da Monteauto family.
  • [d] Stefano Rosselli drew the arms of the Ermini with a diagonal band between two pairs of stars as described in the Ceramelli Papiani archive and provided color notes. Inexplicably, the ASFi copyist left out the notes and changed the band to a horizontal position.
  • [e] Though the San Jacopo tomb was sold in 1540, the Ermini arms were taken down only in 1542 as attested by a contract, according to Rosselli, that was drawn up on June 15th, 1542 by ser Piero di ser Bartolo dal Pontassieve on behalf of chapel patron Cristofano di Lorenzo da Montauto. The contract might be preserved in ASFi, Notarile antecosimiano, vol. 17249 or 17250 (copy).
  • [f] An undated anonymous sepoltuario records the transfer to the da Montauto family took place in 1540 and that the new tomb inscription dedicated to Piero and Matteo, sons of Zanobi, carried the date 1541. Stefano Rosselli records that in 1542 their cousin Cristofano di Lorenzo received permission to take down the Ermini arms and replace them with those of the da Monteauto family.