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S. Gregorio 1 tre armi de Bardi

Rosselli Number 1.0
Memorial Type facade
Status lost
Current Repository na
Primary Installation na
Secondary Installation na
Tomb Form na
Liturgical Orientation E
Documented Types
  • arme
Component Parts
  • wall
Decorative Elements
  • a
Database ID 562

Individuals (1 total)

Bardi, Bindo (messer) di C. Andrea di M. Gualtieri di M. Jacopo di Ricco

Groups (1 total)



  • [a] Over the door to the church were three shields. The central shield were the standard Bardi arms. On the right were those of the Bardi di Vernio with a castle above the lozenges, and on the left was a quartered shield showing the Sinibaldi arms in the first position, the Bardi standard arms in the second and third, and likely the Gualterotti arms in the fourth position.