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S. Felice in Piazza 14 Altare vecchia a

Situated In

S. Felice in Piazza b
Rosselli Number 14.0
Memorial Type altar
Status frn
Current Repository frn
Primary Installation na
Secondary Installation na
Tomb Form na
Liturgical Orientation S
Documented Types
  • altare
Component Parts
  • mensa
Decorative Elements
  • c
Database ID 61


circa 1620s (date is approximate)

Groups (3 total)

unidentified arms in S. Felice in Piazza
circa 1300s (date is approximate) to circa 1620s (date is approximate)
unidentified arms in S. Felice in Piazza

Related Memorials (3 total)

S. Felice in Piazza 11 Altare de Calvanesi
circa 1359 (date is approximate) to circa 1620s (date is approximate)
S. Felice in Piazza 12.2 altare moderno de Marchino Bogo:
circa 1620s (date is approximate)
S. Felice in Piazza 15 Altare di San Rocco:
circa 1500s (date is approximate) to circa 1620s (date is approximate)


  • [a] Della Foresta guessed that one pair of arms, showing two birds on either side of a chalice, belonged to the Borgianni family. Given that they lived in the Santa Croce quarter and that the colors as described by Della Foresta do not match, the honorees of this altar remain unidentified.
  • [b] Described by della Foresta in 1610 as the first altar on the right upon entering the church, it was no longer visible to Stefano Rosselli. He surmised, and he is surely correct, that the altar was taken down to make way for the Bogi family altar.
  • [c] The altar carried two coats of arms. One shield had a blue ground and two sliver doves with red feed perched on a gold chalice, similar to, but different in tinctures from the Borgianni family. The other showed a chief of blue with a red rake and gold lilies, usually called the label of Anjou, over a horizontally split field of two colors crossed by overlapping red flowers with long stems, leaves, and roots in an X-pattern.