
frati ingesuati della Calza

A group of Jesuati, or Jesuate friars, first lived at S. Giusto fuori la Mura, a friary outside the Porta a Pinti gate in the northeastern sector of the city, until it was destroyed during the siege of Florence. In 1530, they moved across town to S. Giovannino detto la Calza in the Oltrarno just inside the Porta a S. Pier Gattolini, taking four altarpieces with them.

Alternate Names

  • frati ingesuati della Porta a Pinti
Group Type
Gender male
Database ID 2597

Memorials (4 total)

La Calza Altare del Crocifisso del Perugino
1530 to 1668 a
La Calza Altare della Pietà del Perugino
1530 to 1668 b
La Calza Altare dell'Orazione nell'orto del Perugino
1530 to 1668 c
La Calza Altar grande
1530 to 1668 d

Related Groups (1 total)

monache di S. Giovanni Gerosolimitano (religious)

Buildings (1 total)

S. Giovannino detto la Calza
1530 to 1668


  • [a] After the suppression of the Jesuates, the altarpiece remained in the church until its removal to the Uffizi in 1857.
  • [b] After the suppression of the Jesuates, the altarpiece remained in the church until its removal to the Uffizi in 1857.
  • [c] After the suppression of the Jesuates, the altarpiece remained in the church until its removal to the Uffizi in 1857.
  • [d] After the suppression of the Jesuates, the altarpiece remained in the church until its removal to the Uffizi in 1857.