
The portico was salvaged from the damaged church of San Donato a Scopeto and installed on the facade of San Jacopo sopr'Arno in 1580 as attested by inscriptions above the church door.

Building S. Jacopo Soprarno
Object Type
Space Type
Status extant
Site outdoors
Count of Memorials 3
Count of Memorials in Sub-Spaces 1
Database ID 10507

Sub-Spaces (1 total)

Groups (2 total)

Antinori honoree fourteenth century to present; 1743 to 2100
Vettori honoree


  • [a] In 1743, Gaetano d'Amerigo Antinori installed a fourteenth-century marker belonging to his family in the portico of San Jacopo sopr'Arno. It is not clear whether the ancestral tomb was originally in the cloister or residential buildings of San Jacopo, as Giuseppe Richa surmised, or in another church altogether. It is tempting to see it as the marker from the family tomb once in the crypt of Santa Croce that was transferred to the Bellacci family around 1441. However, the 1439 sepoltuario indicates that it belonged to Vanni and Lapo Antinori, though it may not have been finished with a marker.