
monache di San Pier Martire

Group Type
Gender female
Affiliation Dominicans (OP)
Database ID 2372

Memorials (1 total)

S. Pier Martire sepoltura comunale
September 1419 (year is approximate) to 1557

Related Individuals (2 total)

Baroncelli, Niccolosa di Giovanni di Riccardo (uxor M. Ugo d' Andrea della Stufa)
July 2nd, 1420
Spini, Margherita (suora) di Giovanni di Scolaio di Nepo (uxor Bartolommeo di Zanobi Baldesis, poi OP)
January 12th, 1421 to 1442

Related Groups (1 total)

monache di San Felice in Piazza (religious)
1557 b

Buildings (1 total)

S. Piero Martire


  • [a] Rosselli mentions burial of nuns within the convent church, but nothing about its form, specific placement, or decoration.
  • [b] the nuns of San Pier Martire are moved to San Felice in Piazza