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monache di San Felice in Piazza

Group Type
Gender female
Affiliation Dominicans (OP)
Database ID 35

Memorials (1 total)

S. Felice in Piazza 05 Altare di San Piero Martire
circa 1557 (date is approximate) to 1808

Related Groups (3 total)

camaldolesi di San Felice in Piazza (religious)
monache di San Pier Martire (religious)
1557 a
popolo di San Felice in Piazza (religious)
1557 to 1808

Locations (1 total)

Buildings (1 total)

S. Felice in Piazza
1557 to 1808


  • [a] the nuns of San Pier Martire are moved to San Felice in Piazza